Benzonatate is prescribed and used for relieving cough. It is classified as a non-narcotic medicine for cough. Benzonatate comes under the medicine class antitussives or cold suppressants. During a cough and cold, the cough reflex remains quite active. The main purpose of this medicine is to numb the throat and lungs at this point to minimize the reflex action. As the reflex action in the air passages and lungs gets reduced, patients automatically cough less and feel a sense of relief in their throat. The popular brand name of this drug is Tessalon, but available in the leading online pharmacies under its generic name too.- Description
- Additional Information
- Uses
- Interactions
- Side Effects
The medicine anesthetizes the peripherally located stretch receptors in the respiratory passage, pleura, and lungs. Benzonatate dampens the activity of these organs and thus minimizes the cough reflex right at its source.The medicine comes in the form of liquid-filled capsules to be taken orally. The standard dosage of the medicine in times of cough is 3 times a day. However, the dosages may differ based on your health conditions.
The medicine begins to work after 15-20 minutes after swallowing. The effect of the medicine stays for 3-8 hours. Sometimes, the medicine needs to be taken with something else when needed as it works as a combination therapy. The right method of taking the medicine is to swallow the medicine as a whole. Do not try to break, cut, crush, suck, chew, or dissolve the medicine. In case the liquid inside the capsule gets loose in the mouth before swallowing, it may cause numbness in the mouth, leading to choking.
In case, you feel any sort of numbness or a tingling effect inside your mouth, throat, tongue, or face, you must refrain from eating or drinking anything at that point. If you feel the tingling effect or numbness is not going away after a long time or getting worse over time, then you should not waste any time getting in touch with your healthcare provider.
When to Take Benzonatate?
This drug can be taken when the patients have experienced multiple coughing sessions and feel discomfort in their throat and air passage due to coughing. However, the dosage will vary based on the patient’s age, severity of health condition, reaction to the first dose, and other medical conditions.
Availability of Benzonatate
The drug is available in capsule form under its generic name Benzonatate in 100 mg, 150 mg, and 200 mg strengths.
Dosage Information
For 18 Years and Older -
100-200 mg capsules can be taken every day, divided into three times a day when the patient is actively coughing. However, the dosage should not exceed the limit of 600 mg/ day.
For 11 to 17 Years Old
100-200 mg capsules can be taken every day, divided into three times a day when the patient is actively coughing. However, the dosage should not exceed the limit of 600 mg/ day.
Note: The medicine is not used for pediatric purposes. Therefore, it is not considered safe to give the medicine to children less than 10 years old.
Things to Know Before Starting Benzonatate
There are a few things that every patient needs to keep in mind before you start with the medicine dosage.
General Rule
You need to take this medicine as a whole. Crushing, chewing, or breaking this medicine before swallowing is not recommended at all.
You can take this medicine both before and after taking food.
Check the availability of the medicine in our store before placing the order.
Storage Information
You can store it at room temperature 59°F to 86°F. It is going to be the best if you can keep the medicine at 77°F.
Do not keep the medicine in a moist or damp environment, such as a bathroom.
Keep it away from direct sunlight exposure.
Travel Storage Information
While you are traveling and having coughing episodes, you can keep it in your hand luggage and carry on with your recommended dosage.
Try to carry the pharmacy label with the medicine while traveling via airways
The X-ray machine is not harmful to the medicine. So, you don’t need to worry about it.
If you are going by car, it is better not to leave it inside the car because then it will be exposed to either extremely hot or extremely cold temperatures which is not an ideal condition for the medicine to store.
You may face some overdose symptoms like choking, breathing trouble, seizures, shakiness, restless feeling, brain swelling, and even fatal conditions. So, never take the medicine more than 600 mg a day. You can understand whether the medicine is working or not within 15-20 minutes of intake. If any side effect does not appear and you get relief from coughing for the next 3-8 hours, consider it as the right dosage.
Who Cannot Take Benzonatate?
Don’t take this medicine if you are pregnant. Research on animals of this medicine has shown severe side effects on the fetus. No human trials have been done on pregnant women but, the medicine certainly has some impact on the fetus.
Don’t take the medicine if you are breastfeeding as the medicine will pass through the milk to your child and leave some side effects as it is not recommended for children under the age of 11.
Don’t take the medicine if you had an allergic reaction to this medicine before.
Don’t take the next dose of the medicine if you feel numbness in your mouth. You must call your doctor right away in case you experience any such issues.
Don’t keep it anywhere near the children as it can be highly dangerous for them to intake it.
How to Get Benzonatate Online?
Orderemeds is reckoned as a leading supplier of Benzonatate online. We offer authentic medications to our customers all over the world. The payment option is completely safe to be used by the customers. Our team is there to help you out with any of your queries related to the medicine or the delivery. We deliver the medicines 24/7. Place your refill order online for 90, 120, or 180 pills pack of 100 mg Benzonatate and pay on delivery. Low prices are guaranteed when you choose Orderemeds for your medicine.
Although the medicine is used for combination therapy, it is highly crucial to know whether the medicine is safe to be taken with other medicines you are taking right now. It can not only lead to allergic reactions or any other side effects, but when combined with the wrong medicine, Benzonatate may not work the way you want it to work. The impact will be less or absent on your coughing situation.
It is recommended not to combine the medicine with sedatives, allergy medicines, narcotic pain medicines, muscle relaxers, or sleeping pills. Also, if you are already taking medicines for seizures, anxiety, or depression, you should certainly avoid taking Benzonatate with those. Even, if you are taking any other vitamins or herbs along with this medicine, you should speak to your doctor about it.
Don’t forget to check the labels on every medicine you are taking. If any of the medicines you are already taking can cause drowsiness, you have to adjust the dosage of Benzonatate based on the recommendation of your doctor because Benzonatate also causes drowsiness.
Benzonatate has some common side effects that you may experience when you start taking the medicine to prevent coughing.
Common Side Effects
The most common side effects you may see are -
Stomach upset
Nasal Congestion
In case, you find these side effects to be comparatively mild on you, you may ignore them. However, if you see the side effects are gradually taking over you, you must not wait before going to the health care provider.
Side Effects that Need Medical Attention
It’s better to call your healthcare provider as soon as possible in case you experience any of these side effects after taking Benzonatate. Some of those are -
Breathing trouble
Numbness in chest
Burning eyes
Very low blood pressure